Options Preserved.

There are a thousand different factorsundefinedfrom career growth, to higher education, to health management, to finding the right partnerundefinedthat contribute to determining when a person might be ready to start a family. If you are considering having children in the future, egg freezing may be a great way to preserve your family-building options.

World Class Outcomes undefined Exceptional Clinical Care

NYU Langone Fertility Center has completed more than 3,000 egg freezing cycles and has lovingly welcomed over 250 live births from patients who have returned to build their families using previously frozen eggs. Whether youundefinedre freezing eggs or banking embryos, youundefinedre in good hands with our team of internationally recognized physicians and laboratory experts.

Experience undefined Excellence: Egg Freezing, Embryo Creation, IVF

We are leaders in ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and egg-freezing technology, ensuring all eggs retrieved maintain their quality throughout the egg freezing and (ultimately) egg thawing and embryo creation processes. From egg freezing to embryo creation to pregnancy monitoring, our expert team has provided the very best clinical expertise throughout tens of thousands of patientsundefined fertility journeys.

An Individualized Approach to Care

We recognize that our patients have a choice in care providers, and we are committed to providing compassionate, individualized, and cost-effective options for egg freezing, embryo banking, and future family building. Weundefinedre here to go at your pace and answer any questions you may have. Your future, your timeline. Weundefinedre ready when youundefinedre ready.

Egg Freezing undefined Fertility Preservation in NYC

Leaders in Egg Freezing.

Egg freezing provides a great option for future family buildingundefinedbut it is truly the first step in a care continuum that may include egg thawing, embryo creation, embryo transfer, and attempted pregnancy. At NYULFC, our outcomesundefinedfrom thousands of eggs safely frozen to hundreds of healthy babies born years laterundefinedspeak to our expertise at each step


Egg Freezing Cycles Completed at NYULFC


Egg Freezing Cycles per Year at NYULFC


Babies Born from Previously Frozen Eggs


Years of Experience within our Physician Team

How it Works: Egg Freezing

  • Set Up a Consultation to Understand Your Options.

    Schedule a new patient consultation and fertility screening at NYU Langone Fertility Center to learn more about your fertility health. During your visit, an expert fertility doctor will meet with you to discuss your future family-building goals, and we will perform bloodwork and an ultrasound to evaluate your reproductive health.
  • Prepare for Your Cycle

    After your consult, if you decide that the time is right to freeze your eggs, youundefinedll collaborate with your physician to build a care plan custom-tailored to meet your fertility goals. Our financial representatives will explore your fertility insurance coverage and/or financing options, then your care team will guide you through the pre-screening lab work (hormonal lab testing, preconception screening, and ultrasound for ovarian and uterine evaluation, etc). Once your pre-screening tests are complete, youundefinedll attend an orientation class where your care coordinator will review the stimulation process, including your medication protocol and the egg retrieval procedure.
  • Start the Process

    We will use fertility medications to stimulate egg production in your ovaries. Over the course of 10-14 days, youundefinedll visit our office for lab work and ultrasounds to monitor egg follicle growth. Then, you will receive a final medication used to mature the eggs and prepare them for retrieval. Between 34-36 hours after the injection, a physician will retrieve your eggs in a brief surgical procedure done under anesthesia. After the eggs are retrieved, our IVF laboratory will freeze and store them for your future use.
  • Come Back When Youundefinedre Ready

    If you decide to start your family, frozen eggs are thawed and combined with sperm to create embryos. Feel confidentundefinedyouundefinedve placed your trust in one of the most experienced teams in the United States. NYU Langone Fertility Center physicians have completed over 3,000 egg freezing cycles and currently perform over 450 cycles per year. As of 2019, weundefinedre thrilled to have welcomed over 200 healthy babies born to patients who froze eggs with us. Whenever youundefinedre ready to take the next step, weundefinedre here to support you.

Your Future. Your Timeline.

Fertility Health Screening

Learn about the health of your reproductive system by scheduling a comprehensive fertility screening. This screening will include bloodwork to assess your Anti-Mullerian Hormone (undefinedAMHundefined) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (undefinedFSHundefined) levels, both of which are good indicators of your ovarian reserve. It will also include an ultrasound to evaluate your Antral Follicle Count (the number of follicles contained within your ovaries helps your physician to determine how many eggs may be produced in any given month).

Egg Freezing: Stimulation undefined Retrieval

Around a month after the initial consultation, or when your targeted cycle starts, egg production will be stimulated with fertility medications. Frequent lab work and ultrasounds are done to monitor egg growth over the next 10undefined12 days. Then a final injection will be given to mature the eggs and prepare them for retrieval. Between 34-36 hours after the injection, the eggs will be retrieved under anesthesia. After the eggs are retrieved, our IVF laboratory will freeze and store them for your future use.

Fertility Preservation for Women with Cancer

If you are navigating the challenges of a cancer diagnosis or other medical condition that may affect your reproductive health, weundefinedre here for you. At NYU Langone Fertility Center, we have provided care for +250 women who chose to freeze their eggs prior to undergoing chemotherapy or other iatrogenic surgery. We are proud to welcome patients from centers across New York City and around the world who need immediate and efficient care to preserve fertility prior to life-saving treatments.

We participate in the LIVESTRONG Fertility Discount Program and the Ferring Pharmaceuticals Heart Beat Program to provide cost assistance for our patients battling a cancer diagnosis.

Dr. Elizabeth Fino specializes in our fast-track process for patients undergoing fertility preservation due to medical necessity.

Cryopreservation (Eggs undefined Embryos)

The cryopreservation of eggs or embryos begins with undefinedvitrificationundefined or undefinedfreezing.undefined Vitrification is an ultra-rapid freezing process performed in our embryology laboratory, wherein the eggs/embryos are rapidly cooled to subzero temperatures. This rapid cooling process prevents the formation of ice crystals, which can cause cell damage.

The process of vitrification has three critical components. First, eggs/embryos are exposed to high concentrations of cryoprotectants to allow rapid dehydration of cells. Second, the eggs/embryos are loaded into tiny storage devices (usually straws) that will facilitate ultra-rapid cooling. Third, the straws containing the eggs/embryos are cooled as fast as possible, typically at thousands of degrees per minute.

In practice, this means that eggs and embryos are vitrified very quickly in the laboratory. A typical embryo vitrification protocol is complete in about 10 minutes. Embryos are removed from the incubator in the laboratory and exposed to an equilibration solution for 8 minutes to begin the dehydration process. After 8 minutes in equilibration solution, the embryos are moved into a vitrification solution for 60 seconds. Then, they are quickly loaded into straws and plunged into liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196undefinedC. The tiny straw will cool from room temperature (about 25undefinedC) to -196undefinedC in two to three seconds, giving a cooling rate of 4420-6630undefinedC per minute.

This high cooling rate combined with the use of high concentrations of cryoprotectants allows the contents of the straw (embryos plus surrounding fluid) to turn to a glass like substance instead of ice. Avoiding ice formation in this way successfully protects the embryos from damage and allows them to be warmed later giving survival rates consistently above 90%.

For egg vitrification, the process is similar, but the exposure to the equilibration solution is slower, usually about 15 minutes, and it is broken up into 4 steps. This stepwise approach is designed specifically for the egg and achieves the same level of dehydration as can be obtained with embryos in a shorter time. These steps, however, are critical to the survival of the eggs and must be followed exactly. Moving the eggs into vitrification solution, loading and cooling the straws is the same as is done for embryos.

This high cooling rate, combined with the use of of cryoprotectants, allows the contents of the straw (embryos plus surrounding fluid) to turn into a glass-like substance instead of ice. Avoiding ice formation in this way successfully protects the embryos from damage and allows them to be warmed later, delivering embryo survival rates consistently above 90%.

When our patients return to use their vitrified embryos, the vitrification procedure described above is reversed to allow warming back to room temperature for rehydration. The procedure undefinedwarmsundefined the tissue in just 20 minutes, and it is placed back in the incubator at 37undefinedC in the laboratory. Embryos can be transferred back to the uterus immediately and eggs can be fertilized with sperm 3-4 hours later.

Embryo Banking undefined Genetic Testing

undefinedEmbryo Bankingundefined refers to the process of undergoing ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, then fertilizing any eggs retrieved to create embryos, which are then frozen or undefinedbankedundefined for future use.

Many patients choose to freeze embryos if they have already identified their desired sperm source (ie. a spouse, long-term partner, or a chosen sperm donor) and they wish to create embryos for future use.

A major benefit associated with embryo banking is the ability to perform genetic testing on the embryo(s).

An egg is a single human cell, containing 23 chromosomal pairs with DNA from the female partner. It is not possible to perform genetic testing on an egg, as the egg only contains 50% of the genetic material that will ultimately (hopefully!) create an embryo.

Once an egg is fertilized with sperm, the resultant embryo contains genetic material from both the male and the female partner. The embryo can then be tested (using PGT-A, PGT-M, or PGT-SR) for genetic abnormalities that could increase the odds of miscarriage or of a child being born with specific health problems.

  • Fertility Health Screening
  • Egg Freezing: Stimulation & Retrieval
  • Fertility Preservation for Women with Cancer
  • Cryopreservation (Eggs & Embryos)

    Cryopreservation (Eggs undefined Embryos)

    The cryopreservation of eggs or embryos begins with undefinedvitrificationundefined or undefinedfreezing.undefined Vitrification is an ultra-rapid freezing process performed in our embryology laboratory, wherein the eggs/embryos are rapidly cooled to subzero temperatures. This rapid cooling process prevents the formation of ice crystals, which can cause cell damage.

    The process of vitrification has three critical components. First, eggs/embryos are exposed to high concentrations of cryoprotectants to allow rapid dehydration of cells. Second, the eggs/embryos are loaded into tiny storage devices (usually straws) that will facilitate ultra-rapid cooling. Third, the straws containing the eggs/embryos are cooled as fast as possible, typically at thousands of degrees per minute.

    In practice, this means that eggs and embryos are vitrified very quickly in the laboratory. A typical embryo vitrification protocol is complete in about 10 minutes. Embryos are removed from the incubator in the laboratory and exposed to an equilibration solution for 8 minutes to begin the dehydration process. After 8 minutes in equilibration solution, the embryos are moved into a vitrification solution for 60 seconds. Then, they are quickly loaded into straws and plunged into liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196undefinedC. The tiny straw will cool from room temperature (about 25undefinedC) to -196undefinedC in two to three seconds, giving a cooling rate of 4420-6630undefinedC per minute.

    This high cooling rate combined with the use of high concentrations of cryoprotectants allows the contents of the straw (embryos plus surrounding fluid) to turn to a glass like substance instead of ice. Avoiding ice formation in this way successfully protects the embryos from damage and allows them to be warmed later giving survival rates consistently above 90%.

    For egg vitrification, the process is similar, but the exposure to the equilibration solution is slower, usually about 15 minutes, and it is broken up into 4 steps. This stepwise approach is designed specifically for the egg and achieves the same level of dehydration as can be obtained with embryos in a shorter time. These steps, however, are critical to the survival of the eggs and must be followed exactly. Moving the eggs into vitrification solution, loading and cooling the straws is the same as is done for embryos.

    This high cooling rate, combined with the use of of cryoprotectants, allows the contents of the straw (embryos plus surrounding fluid) to turn into a glass-like substance instead of ice. Avoiding ice formation in this way successfully protects the embryos from damage and allows them to be warmed later, delivering embryo survival rates consistently above 90%.

    When our patients return to use their vitrified embryos, the vitrification procedure described above is reversed to allow warming back to room temperature for rehydration. The procedure undefinedwarmsundefined the tissue in just 20 minutes, and it is placed back in the incubator at 37undefinedC in the laboratory. Embryos can be transferred back to the uterus immediately and eggs can be fertilized with sperm 3-4 hours later.

  • Embryo Banking & Genetic Testing
NYULFC Egg Freezing Patient

I never imagined fertility preservation would be part of my plan, much less an empowering process in my fertility journey.

Itundefineds a decision I have no regrets about making, and I encourage others to explore this option for themselves.
NYULFC Egg Freezing Patient

I am currently trying to preserve my fertility before chemo, and I donundefinedt know if it will work.

But the care I am getting at the NYU Langone Fertility Center makes such a scary time so much less scary. Thank you for assembling such an amazing group of professionals and people.
NYULFC Egg Freezing Patient

The entire staff, doctors, and nurses are friendly, comforting, personable, and extremely informative.

Going through treatment can be intimidating and lonely, and I am so grateful for this extraordinary, personal care.

The Egg Freezing Process

New Patient Consultation

  • Clinic
  • 1 hour
  • Flexible timeline
Welcome to NYULFC! At your New Patient Consultation, youundefinedll discuss your future family goals with your fertility specialist. We will then perform bloodwork and an ultrasound to assess the number of eggs a single Egg Freezing cycle is likely to yield. You will also meet with your Care Team and our Financial Representatives.

Coordinator Calls

  • Clinic or Phone
  • 30-45 min/appt
  • Flexible timeline
As a follow-up to your New Patient Consultation, you will have phone calls with your Clinical Coordinator (CC) to discuss your lab work, consent forms, cycle costs and payment options.

Cycle Orientation

  • Clinic
  • 1 hour
  • Within 2 weeks of starting injections
Approximately two weeks before cycle start, you will attend an Egg Freezing Orientation Class. During the Class, you will receive a detailed explanation of your care plan, learn how to inject prescribed medications, and confirm other details of your retrieval process.

Baseline: undefinedDay 2 Startundefined

  • Clinic
  • 1 hour
  • Within 2 days of starting your period
Within 2 days of starting your period, you will visit NYULFC for an ultrasound and blood test to verify that you are ready to start stimulation (e.g., your ovaries are suppressed, and you have no cysts). If everything looks as expected, you will start your at-home injections

Monitoring undefined Injections

  • Clinic
  • 30-45 min/appt
  • Usually Days 5, 8 and 10 of Stim
Youundefinedll visit the clinic 3-5 times for ultrasounds and bloodwork to monitor your follicular development and hormone levels. You will also be doing injections around the same time each day as prescribed.


  • Clinic
  • 45 min
  • Usually Days 10, 11, or 12 of Stim
Around the 10th day of injections, your physician will assess whether you are ready for a undefinedtrigger shotundefined, which causes eggs to release in preparation for retrieval. You will be given a specific time to do the shot and your retrieval will happen 34-36 hours later.


  • Surgery Center
  • 3 hours
  • Usually Day 12, 13 or 14 of Stim
For this procedure, you will be under general anesthesia while your eggs are retrieved by a physician, using ultrasonic guidance. You will receive an update on the same day with information about the number of eggs retrieved.

PostundefinedRetrieval Follow Up

  • Phone
  • 30 min
  • Within 2 weeks after retrieval
We will call you to share the final number of mature eggs cryopreserved following your retrieval, and will review the cryostorage plan for your eggs. Congratulations on making a plan to achieve your future family-building goals! During your next conversation with your physician, you will discuss the outcome of this retrieval and review your care plan.

Finances Won’t Stand in Your Way

Egg Freezing Program Fees

The self-pay fees for an egg freezing cycle begin at $9,500.

NYU Langone Fertility Center is committed to helping you navigate all financial aspects of fertility treatment. We offer comprehensive, state-of-the-art infertility treatment at competitive rates, and our team works together with you to evaluate your payment options, including insurance coverage and/or patient financing programs to cover your care.

Visit our Fertility Financing page to learn more.

Still Have Questions?

Questions? Concerns? Ready to get started? Reach outundefinedweundefinedre here for you.

Fertility FAQ